

Typical Bathroom Remodel Cost in Texas?

  A bathroom remodel cost is very hard to nail down to a specific number because there are so many variables that go into a project. For example, where the home is located, a higher cost of living city versus a more affordable suburb. What type of materials, the scope of the remodeling project, and much more can affect the bathroom remodel cost in Texas. However, to give you some…

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What Do Hardwood Floors Cost?

Hardwood floors cost can vary greatly depending on several variables. The ever increasing amount of hardwood flooring manufacturer's and their growing lines provide countless options for the consumer who is shopping for hardwood floors for their home. In our stores at The Floor Barn, our hardwood floor choices run between $2.99 a square foot to $5.90 a square foot. That is the kind of sweet spot for our typical middle…

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