Hardwood floors are a very popular flooring product for american homes. They are beautiful, add value to your home and give a timeless look to the interior of your home.
There are several different aspects or steps of installing hardwood floors. This blog post will cover the floor preparation aspect of the wood floor installation.
Here in Texas, the main floor of a home typically has a concrete slab for a foundation. So once you remove the existing floor, say it was carpet, then you take long level or something similar that is straight and not bowed, and you drag it along the floor where hardwood floors are being installed. While doing this you are looking for dips and rises in the concrete slab. If you see extreme high points, then you will need to grind that area down so that is more in line with the surrounding areas of the slab. If there are low points then you will mix and apply concrete patch to the area and level it out. Once it is dry, usually a couple hours unless it is a extreme low point, then you can start installing your hardwood floors.
If you do not take this important step in prepping the floor, it could have a negative effect on the performance of your hardwood floors. For example if you have a low spot that is not leveled, then when you walk on the wood then it will have a little bounce, or give in it.
Hardwood floors are often a big investment in your home, so please make sure that you or your contractor takes the proper steps when installing your new flooring.
If you are still looking to buy your hardwood, please visit our website. We have discount prices on brand name floors!
by Brian Heltzel
The Floor Barn
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