The Floor Barn is bathroom remodeling company in addition to a flooring store and majority of the calls we get to complete bathroom remodeling projects are due to water damage in the shower. 
Often the culprit to the water damage is the grout lines for tile showers. It is recommended that your reseal your grout lines every 6-9 months. However, most homeowners have never resealed their grout lines. Most do not even know that you are supposed to at all, let alone that often. What happens is that all the water in the shower will slowly erode the grout in addition to causing discoloration and once that process has begun, if it is not addressed immediately then it is only going to get worse. After a while you probably will see signs of mold and then the tile will start to come loose because the water has eaten away at the wall of the shower unless when it was constructed a waterproof product was utilized, which is not the case for most homes.
However, at The Floor Barn, when we take on a bathroom remodeling job we almost always use a waterproof system when rebuilding the shower. The product that we use is the Schluter Kerdi shower system. Not all of our clients agree to utilizing it since it is a little more in cost, however 90% of them do see the extra cost as protecting the investment they are making in remodeling their shower and also because a lot of times the reason the remodel process has begun is because of water damage and the homeowner wants to avoid it in the future.
Here is a video of how to waterproof your shower utilizing the Schluter Kerdir waterproof system:

Brian Heltzel
The Floor Barn
Burleson, TX

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